FieldTalk Modbus Slave C++ Library
Library version 2.10.0
CMasterInfo | The MasterInfo object holds additional information about the currently processed Modbus request |
CMbusDataTableInterface | This class defines the interface between a Modbus slave Server Engine and your application |
▼CMbusSlaveServer | Base class which implements the Modbus server engine |
▼CMbusIpServerBase | Base class for all IP based Slave Protocol classes |
▼CMbusTcpSlaveProtocol | This class realises the server side of the MODBUS/TCP slave protocol |
CMbusRtuOverTcpSlaveProtocol | This class realises the Encapsulated Modbus RTU slave protocol |
CMbusUdpSlaveProtocol | This class realises a Modbus server using MODBUS over UDP protocol variant |
▼CMbusSerialServerBase | This base class implements common functionality for both serial Modbus protocols |
CMbusAsciiSlaveProtocol | This class realises the server side of the Modbus ASCII slave protocol |
CMbusRtuSlaveProtocol | This class realises the server-side of the Modbus RTU slave protocol |